Our Advice

Service and Pairing

We recommend bringing our wines to room temperature (around 18°C). The young wines are served with cold or warm meat-based plates. Wine 5 years and older need to be opened 2 hours beforehand. They accompany perfectly meat (grilled or with a sauce).To flatter meats and cheeses, it is recommended to serve old wines in carafes.


Travel leaves a marked but temporary influence on wine’s finesse and bouquet. It is necessary to completely unpack the cartons as soon as they arrive, and to lay down the bottles in the place where they will be stored (permanently), preferably the coolest and the least exposed part of the cellar. We recommend you let the wine rest for 18 to 20 days.


If you wish to keep the wine for many years, the temperature differentials must be minimized, and under no circumstances should the temperature of the cellar go above 18°C in the summer or below 10°C in the winter.


It is normal that a wine bottled using traditional methods will have a slight sediment deposit. Frequent in quality and well-structured wines, it reflects a natural ageing : to eliminate the deposit risks removal of certain characteristics of the wine. It is recommended to let the deposit settle for a few minutes before cautiously serving, or better yet to let it settle in a decanter.

The wines must be at room temperature, that is, between 16°C and 18°C, and opened beforehand. Our wines accompany perfectly game, red meat and cheese.